Growth in the number of private investors PJSC Evropeyskaya Elektrotekhnika
Growth in the number of private investors PJSC Evropeyskaya Elektrotekhnika
We closely monitor the number of private investors holding shares in Evropeyskaya Elektrotekhnika (ticker EELT ). Behind this indicator lies a lot of information for us - how well-known our company is on the stock market, whether our business model is clear to retail investors, whether the market is satisfied with the openness and financial results of the holding.
Looking at the numbers and dynamics, we understand that private investors believe in our company more and more. We would like to note that they appreciated our operational and financial performance in the crisis years of 2020 and 2022. We understand that thousands of private investors are ready to share the future success of the company with us.
We thank all shareholders of PJSC Evropeyskaya Elektrotekhnika for their trust. We hope that the number of retail investors will continue to grow every year. The company plans to share these statistics with investors in the annual and interim reports on an ongoing basis.