Corporate governance
In order to provide sustainable revenue growth and successful development, we always improve the efficiency of our system of corporate governance. The Board of Directors of PJSC Evropeiskaya Elektrotechnica is a well-coordinated team of professionals, aimed at achieving excellent results. Our basic principles of efficiency are the integration of experience with new ideas and integrity in relations with shareholders, clients, personnel, and partners.
The Board of Directors of PJSC Evropeiskaya Elektrotechnica consists of six members elected at the Annual or Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting for the period until the next Annual General Shareholders Meeting. The Board of Directors defines the development strategy of the Company and is responsible for the overall management of the Company's activities, excepting the issues which are referred to in the competence of the General Shareholders Meeting by the Federal Law on Stock Companies and by the Articles of Association of the Company.

A graduate of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute; qualification: engineering and heat power engineering with specialization in the sphere of heat and electric power plants.

A graduate of the Moscow Aviation Institute (technical university); qualification: mathematics and engineering with specialization in the field of applied mathematics.
A graduate of Chuvash State University, Master of technology in the field of electrical engineering, electromechanics and electrotechnology.

Mr. Grubenko graduated from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute as an electric engineer in the field of power supply.

Mr. Smirnov graduated from Moscow Automobile and Road Constructionstate Technical University as a mechanic engineer In 2007, he received an Executive MBA at IESE Business School (Barcelona).